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Private Lessons with Santiago M

30 min. 60 min.
1/week, billed monthly
Piano (ages 8+),   Voice (ages 8+)

Santiago M

Teaches: Piano & Voice. Lessons Available: All Days In-Person

Santiago is a vocal coach with eight years of international performance experience and five years of teaching under his belt. He holds a degree in musical composition and vocal technique. Over the years, he has honed his skills in guiding students of all ages—children, teens, and adults—through group and private lessons, successfully preparing many for admission to Colombia's National Conservatory. He takes great pride in helping amateur singers advance to a higher level of vocal technique.

Santiago specializes in a diverse range of genres, including Jazz, R&B, Classical, Latin, and Pop. His extensive performance experience in these styles has enriched his teaching methods, allowing him to blend structured approaches with a free-flowing style that helps students reach their full potential.

In addition to teaching, Santiago has produced and recorded Latin jazz songs in Colombia, Cuba, and the USA. These experiences have deepened his understanding of the teaching process; as a musical director, he knows the importance of guiding a team and providing coaching sessions to help musicians achieve their goals.

$44.00/lesson, Month to month

Friday at Singer's Edge